Luc is physiotherapy technologist who graduated from the Collège Montmorency in Laval and a member of the Ordre Professionnel de la Physiothérapie du Québec.
- CNESST work-related injuries
- SAAQ motor vehicle accidents
- Orthopedic manual physiotherapy (manual therapy)
- Musculoskeletal injuries (tendonitis, bursitis, capsulitis, sprains, etc.)
- Lymphedema treatment (lymphatic drainage)
- Pre- and post-operative care
- Update on the shoulder motor control
- Musculoskeletal pathologies of the upper limb
- Therapeutic exercises for orthopedic clients (upper quadrant)
- Therapeutic exercises for orthopedic clients (lower quadrant)
- Lumbar stabilization: exercises and concept
- Muscle strength assessment and manual dynamometers
- Training on Combined decongestive therapy from the North American School of Dr. Vodder (lymphedema treatment)
- Manual therapy for upper limb
- Therapeutic and neuro-proprioceptive taping
- Neurophysiology of pain and Manual therapy