Marie-France is a acupuncturist graduated from the Collège Rosemont in Montreal and member of the Ordre des Acupuncteurs du Québec and the Association des acupuncteurs du Québec since 2008.
- CNESST work-related injuries
- SAAQ motor vehicle accidents
- Pregnancy follow-up
- Digestive disorders
- Musculoskeletal disorders
- Anxiety disorders
- Insomnia
- Menopause
- Allergies
- Treatment of infertility with acupuncture
- Acupuncture Pregnancy follow-up
- Musculoskeletal puncture training (pain management)
- Acupuncture meridian approach by Dr Tan's technique
- The management of sports injuries using acupuncture
- The acupuncture in gynecology; from puberty to menopause
- Smoking and acupuncture
- The contribution of the acupuncture in the treatment of cancer
- The essential motivation for change