Mickael is a physiotherapist who graduated from the Université de Montréal and a member of the Ordre Professionnel de la Physiothérapie du Québec since 2010.
- Conventional physiotherapy
- Treatment of persistent (chronic) pain
- Advanced Physical Therapy Education Institute (APTEI) certification (Lumbar Spine: Joint Dysfunctions 1, Sacroiliac Joints and hip, Cervicogenic headache 1, Hip complex 1, Shoulder 2, Temporomandibular joint)
- Orthopedic Manual Therapy: Clinical Integration and Lower Quadrant 2 (AQPMO)
- The Mulligan concept: mobilizations with movement - Lower Quadrant (Jack Miller)
- McKenzie Part A (The Lumbar Spine) and Part B (Cervical and thoracic spine)
- Dynamic Dysfunctions of the Shoulder (Marie-Claude Boisselle)
- Therapeutic exercises for an orthopedic physical therapy clientele: upper and lower quadrant (Denys Leclair, Pht)
- Various conferences, symposia and colloquia on persistent pain
- Physical therapy and interdisciplinary approaches to complex regional pain syndrome (Sonya Bureau, Pht)
- Graded Motor Imagery (Neuro-Orthopedic Institute - NOIgroup)
- Mobilization of the nervous system (Neuro-Orthopedic Institute - NOIgroup)
- Role of the placebo (Fred Wellens)
- Strategic interventions with difficult personalities 1 and 2 (Julie Desrosiers, erg.)
- Motivational Interviewing for Chronic Clients (Rachel Green)
- The interdisciplinarity: beyond teamwork
- The FCPPQ Interdisciplinary Work Conference