Vicki-Anne is a physiotherapy technologist who graduated from the Cégep de Sherbrooke and member of the Ordre Professionnel de la Physiothérapie du Québec.
- CNESST work-related accidents
- SAAQ motor vehicle accidents
- Orthopedic manual physiotherapy (manual therapy)
- Musculoskeletal injuries (tendonitis, bursitis, capsulitis, sprains, etc.)
- Sports physiotherapy - Sports injuries
- Concussions, head injuries
- Arthritis, osteoarthritis
- Prosthesis (hip, knee, etc.)
- Pre- and post-operative care
- Loss of autonomy
- Loss of balance
- Neuro-proprioceptive taping
- À la rescousse des personnes souffrant de lombalgies complexes (Yannick Tousignant-Laflamme, pht)
- Massage therapy practitioner training (Académie de Massage Scientifique)
- Attestation d'études collégiales (AEC) d'instructeur et formateur en arts du cirque (École nationale de cirque de Montréal) - including courses in movement analysis, injury prevention, sport psychology and periodization